Street-Racerz : Beta - Login
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There are currently 1 racerz online!
The most racerz online at once was 18!
Server Status: Online And Revving
Database update - 10th-May-24 @ 12:18:54
Good morning ladies and gents, My apologies for the downtime it appears the database was automatically updated which caused drama in how the current code works. Everything should be sorted now. PS: Registration is temporary disabled until I implement a fix for the spam accounts that someone has targeted the site with. If you are wanting to register, please use the contact us feature and drop me an email. I will manually create you an account along with a 315mph vehicle of your choice for the inconvenience.
Login Sessions - 12th-Dec-22 @ 02:02:54
Morning All, Currently aware of the pain in the butt situation with the login session - I believe this is to do with when players "idle" offline and close the tab that is currently logged in. The only workaround for this is to make sure you click the Logout button if your going to be away for a while and do not logout by closing the tab or browser. I will try to get a patch in for this as soon as I can, but until then please use the logout button. I'm periodically logging in to check for random active sessions and killing them but it's not ideal for you guys to wait on me.
Registration Open - 5th-Dec-22 @ 17:39:53
Registration is back open and duplication has been patched Credit purchases should go directly to the account of the purchaser, if there are any issues, let me know
Small update - 3rd-Dec-22 @ 23:33:51
Player banks are back in business Lottery has been amended to reflect the actual figure
Registration Closure - 2nd-Dec-22 @ 20:48:49
Registration page is now closed. If you want to access your old account please use the Forgotten Password tab. If you still can't access your account, email me at